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Every application that you are currently using on your phone has gone through various stages of development and testing until it has reached its final step of being a deliverable virtual product to a customer; to you. This is not only important for its initial success but also helps provide stakeholders and employers with a method to gauge system performance, thereby creating a feedback platform which is necessary to improve a product.

It ensures development of the software as per previously set guidelines followed by a set of step by step verifications and flag tests, leaving minimal room for errors and misconceptions regarding the software. The process utilizes SDLC (Software Development Life Cylce).

Quality is a comparatively very important factor, ergo Quality Engineering is an aspect of testing that cannot be ignored, particularly in the IT industry. This involves:

Digital testing: In order to generate a large customer base (rather than a visitor base), online and e-commerce companies set up digital testing techniques which involve software testing, integrity testing and experience testing that takes into account user feedbacks to improve current specifications.

The various advantages of Testing can be culminated as follows:


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